New year, same you, but happier

As we start 2022 it’s worth reflecting on 2021. What a year. We thought coronavirus would have been behind us, but it was really just getting started. We embarked on a year of zoom socialising and teams meetings from our make do office bedrooms, interspersed with the occasional in person rendezvous. We have spent many an hour glancing at the little image of ourselves in the corner of the screen. 

I work in the NHS and it has been the most challenging year of my career. The novelty of new ways of consulting quickly wore off and I longed for the traditional doctor patient in person appointment to return. Like many, I am still waiting for life to go back to normal. 

 The best aspects of my job are talking to patients, helping them and ultimately improving wellbeing and happiness. This is essentially what aesthetic medicine brings. I love seeing my patients leave happy, knowing they are improving an aspect of themselves that will make them more confident and successful in their life. 

 If there is anything the last two years has taught me, it’s to do what you want because you don’t know when this privilege will cease to be. If you’ve ever thought about having aesthetic treatment but haven’t taken the leap, come and see me for a consultation. The new year doesn’t have to be a loud resolution that we struggle to maintain past mid January. It can be embarking on a journey with your practitioner to fight the signs of ageing. End 2022 looking fresher, younger and happier than you started it. 

Book a consultation to discuss your aims and develop a personalised aesthetics treatment plan.  


Why aesthetics, why now?


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