Why aesthetics, why now?

My life has changed enormously in the last few years. I’ll give you a brief run down of my doctor career thus far. I qualified as a junior doctor from Manchester medical school in the summer of 2004. Even before finishing med school I knew I liked general practice more that the hospital environment. I worked for a year in Blackpool before returning to Manchester (Salford) to embark on my GP training, which I finished in 2008. I loved GP, I liked talking to patients, getting to know them, seeing patients regularly and helping them in any way I could. My job always made me feel like I was making a real difference. I have always thought as a GP, I am essentially the patients advocate. I still have patients now that I first met when I was a GP registrar (training GP). After qualifying as a fully fledged GP, I stayed at the practice and I became a partner in 2012. I then qualified as a GP Trainer, although I don’t do much of this at present. I work at our main branch and our university branch, working with the student population is very different, with its own challenges and rewards. 


Personally plenty has changed for me, I married in 2016, had a baby in 2018 and then had 9 months away from GP whilst being treated for breast cancer in 2020.  There have been many other hurdles along the way, but the biggest has to be the change in general practice.  It will be no surprise to anyone to hear that general practice is harder than I have ever experienced in my career. The aspects of my job that I love the most - being there for patients, continuity, helping them through a journey (be it diagnostic or therapeutic) and having that time to get to know them, all these fulfilling and rewarding aspects of my job have been so much harder since covid. And in some ways impossible. 


This is one of the reasons I started to look for another avenue in medicine, and I found aesthetics. 


I believe I can help people become who they want to be, whether that’s to develop confidence, feel better able to collaborate and connect with others, feel more empowered or just feel happier within themselves. I hope to build relationships with my aesthetic patients and help them to achieve their goal. 

If you would like a free consultation to discuss your goals contact me for an appointment


Introduction to Dermal Fillers


New year, same you, but happier