PRP - Why I use the Cellenis® System

I recently trained in PRP. I was taught by Sharan Uppal from Pegi Day Aesthetics and learnt using the Cellenis® system.

For those who don’t know what PRP is, I have written a blog, but in summary a sample of your own blood is taken, this is spun in a centrifuge to separate the plasma from the red cells and then then plasma (rich in platelets) is injected back into your skin or scalp to promote skin rejuvenation and cell/hair growth.

The Cellenis® System is a very simple system to use making it great for the practitioner, and great for the patient too for several reasons.

The preparation in the blood collecting tube has a neutral pH so causes less sting when injected.

The system is FDA approved and conforms to the EU regulations for Class 11b certification. What is this I hear you ask? Essentially it means that this system has been proven to be safe to not only to collect the blood sample from the patient, but it is also to re-inject the prepared material. This is one step above Class 11a blood tubes.

Cellenis® have a patented Gel. Not only is this gel incredibly safe, there have been no reported cases of allergic reactions to the Gel, it keeps the red blood cells away from that golden nectar you are going to use. PRP contaminated with red blood cells is ‘dirty’ PRP. The red blood cells stimulate cell death, so we really don’t want them in our PRP.

The centrifuging process only takes 10 minutes. Usually centrifuging a blood sample increased the platelet concentration in the plasma by x1.6 to 1.8 compared to the concentration before centrifuging. The Cellenis® system increased the concentration by 4-5 times. The amount of PRP that we get is greater than in other systems. So 11ml of blood will give us about 6ml of PRP! Loads to treat the areas needed. And if that’s not enough then they do a 22ml system, so about 12ml of PRP!

This system also concentrates the stem cells above the baseline in our plasma. Stem cells have an amazing ability to know what they are needed for in any given area, giving your skin and hair the greatest chance of repairing, growing and looking rejuvenating.

To discuss PRP treatment at our Wilmslow clinic and schedule a free telephone or video consultation click below.


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