Zoom-Face Tips

So, now the restrictions are lifting and people are going back into the workplace, will Zoom-face still be something we worry about? Personally I will be continuing a mix of online meetings and in person working, so I’ll definitely need to consider a few things!

There’s lots of advice out there about how to improve your zoom face, here are a few tips  

  • Change the angle of your camera. Some of you will be familiar with this when taking selfies. If you aren’t, have you ever noticed that people often hold their phones up about their head and look up to the camera? It’s a much more flattering angle to have your camera high up, looking down on you. So try placing your camera/screen up on a stool or a pile of books.

  • Lighting. The best lighting is at eye level. Lighting from above creates shadows, this makes skin creases more prominent and under eye bags appear larger and darker. Sadly most of our artificial light is from above, ceiling lights. Try facing a window or use an LED ring light attached to your screen.

  • Filters. Some of the apps we use have built in filters to make us look fresher/younger. In Zoom you can do this through video settings, its called touch up my appearance. You can alter filters on other apps too like FaceTime, Skype and Teams.

  • Background. Choose this carefully. You don’t want something too busy and distracting. Bright lighting behind you can negatively affect your image.

I hope these tips are helpful in making you happier with your screen face. Some of us will have tried these already and be searching for even better results. So if you’re still not happy with the image in the corner of your screen and would like to discuss anti-aging treatments at our Wilmslow clinic, book in for a free consultation with Dr Becky.  


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